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Native American Medicinal Plants Kit

Native American Medicinal Plants Kit

Each Native American Medicine Chest Kit contains 22 plants replicas, representing many of the most commonly used plants for healing.  Teachers Guide included with a description of plant preparation and medicinal administration.  These...
Pond Life Kit

Pond Life Kit

Each Pond Life Kit contains the 11 tracks most likely found near a pond or stream, including front and hind (if applicable) of each of the following: beaver, river otter, snapping turtle, mallard duck, Canada goose, swan, great blue heron, frog, muskrat,...
Replitrack I Kit

Replitrack I Kit

Each Replitrack I Kit contains 18 hind tracks: raccoon, deer, muskrat, skunk, snapping turtle, squirrel, cottontail rabbit, woodchuck, porcupine, opossum, mallard duck, barred owl, chipmunk, timber wolf, frog, beaver, red fox and bald eagle...
Trees of the USA Kit

Trees of the USA Kit

Each Trees of the United States Kit includes 60 leaf Repliplants  --  replicas representing 52 species of trees east of the Rockies.  Background sheets including ink prints of the replicas and named species for easy identification. ...