Replitrack I Kit

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Each Replitrack I Kit contains 18 hind tracks: raccoon, deer, muskrat, skunk, snapping turtle, squirrel, cottontail rabbit, woodchuck, porcupine, opossum, mallard duck, barred owl, chipmunk, timber wolf, frog, beaver, red fox and bald eagle. Shake hands with an animal!  That's what it feels like when you hold our exclusive Replitracks.  These pliable, rubber vinyl specimens are actual castings of animal feet that look and feel remarkably lifelike.  The realistic colors are molded in, not painted on.  An ideal tool for teaching track identification.  Use as hands-on or exhibit specimens, for plaster or sand casting, ink printing, etc.   Individual animal cards for identification of animal, track, scat and gait are also included. The molds are made from an actual sample found in the field. Each sample is carefully preserved to be made into this high quality replica. Each replica is lead and phthalate free and is designed to be used and re-used again for all types of indoor activities and outdoor adventures.


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